Small business accounting & financial coaching for health & wellness entrepreneurs


As your gym buddy who also happens to be a CPA, I want you to understand your business finances so you can make better business decisions and create the life you dream of.

How We Can Work Together

  • Done-for-You Bookkeeping

    If you are tired of falling behind on the spreadsheet you are using to track business income and expenses, or are afraid your QuickBooks is all goofed up, get peace of mind by outsourcing your monthly bookkeeping to someone who knows what they are doing.

  • QuickBooks Set Up

    Want to do your own bookkeeping on QuickBooks but need training? I can get you set up and show you the portions of the program you need to know to effectively do your books.

  • QuickBooks Clean-Up

    If you are currently using Quickbooks, but you haven’t been able to keep up, I can get you back on track, making sure you’re using consistent categories and reconciling your bank accounts.

  • Coaching Calls

    Not ready for outsourced bookkeeping but have a bunch of questions and nowhere to get answers? Book a coaching call and let's set your mind at ease! This is not an “accounting consultation” that you need to be anxious about.

Your accountant should be easy to talk to.

You didn’t go into business to become an accountant. And yet for many small business owners, that’s the unfamiliar world you find yourself in when trying to account for your business activity.

It’s much easier to sit down, even virtually, with someone who already has a basic understanding of your business and lifestyle. It’s natural to have anxiety when talking with someone about your money. Your accountant should put you at ease, let you speak in your language, and ask follow-up questions so he or she gets your complete picture. Find your people.