Small Business Accounting & Financial Coaching Services

Done for You Bookkeeping Plus

So much more than categorizing your bank feed! If you are tired of falling behind on the spreadsheet you are using to track business income and expenses or are afraid your QuickBooks is all goofed up, get peace of mind by outsourcing your monthly bookkeeping to someone who knows what they are doing.

If you aren’t already on QuickBooks, I will establish a QuickBooks subscription for you. Each month, I will categorize your banking transactions, reconcile your bank account (make sure each and every transaction is accounted for), and send you financial statements. You will always be ready for “tax time” without the dreaded day (or more) of getting your books caught up.

Once you are on monthly service with me, you have someone on your side who can answer your financial questions. Can you afford to hire someone? Should you purchase equipment you’ve had your eye on? What about investing in a coaching program or attending an event? My monthly clients receive a coupon code so they can schedule meetings with me via Zoom at no added cost.

Monthly bookkeeping is offered on a subscription basis, starting at $285 per month.

QuickBooks Set Up

Want to do your own bookkeeping on QuickBooks but need training? I can get you set up and show you the portions of the program you need to know to effectively do your books. We will walk through getting your bank accounts and credit cards connected, setting up your categories (Chart of Accounts), categorizing your income and expenses, reconciling your bank accounts and running reports. Expect to spend about 2 hours with me via Zoom. $500 investment.

QuickBooks Clean-Up

Oh dear! You thought you had a handle on it, but it got away from you. This happens. I can get you back on track, making sure you’re using consistent categories and reconciling your bank accounts. Then we can do a Zoom to go over it and make sure you understand what you need to do going forward. Investment will vary depending on how many months we are correcting. 

Coaching Calls

Not ready for outsourced bookkeeping but have a bunch of questions and nowhere to get answers? Book a coaching call and let's set your mind at ease! This is not an “accounting consultation” that you need to be anxious about. This is a conversation with your gym buddy who happens to be a CPA. I speak your language and meet you where you are. You are never too early or too late to be asking questions about the basics of managing your money. You are always right on time. This is a judgment-free zone. Check out the testimonials section to see what your peers are saying about their coaching call experience. 45 minutes for $215 investment.

A Note About Tax Services

I no longer offer tax services, but with the quality of my bookkeeping services you’ll always be ready for tax season, whether you go to a tax preparer or do them yourself. For my monthly clients, I am happy to be a liaison to your tax preparer, so I can get them the records they need from your business.